Medical device vigilance is a critical aspect of post-market surveillance, focusing on the collection, reporting, investigation, and assessment of adverse events and field safety corrective actions (FSCAs) related to medical devices. It is a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating risks to patients and healthcare professionals.

The Importance of Vigilance

  • Patient safety: Vigilance systems help to identify and address device-related problems promptly, reducing the risk of harm to patients.
  • Regulatory compliance: Adherence to vigilance requirements is mandatory under the MDR and other regulations.
  • Risk management: Vigilance data contributes to ongoing risk assessment and management activities.
  • Public health: By monitoring device performance, vigilance systems can help to identify and address public health concerns.

Key Components of Vigilance

  • Adverse event reporting: Healthcare professionals and patients are encouraged to report any suspected adverse incidents related to medical devices.
  • Incident investigation: Manufacturers and competent authorities investigate reported incidents to determine the cause and identify corrective actions.
  • Field safety corrective actions: Implementing measures to address identified risks, such as product recalls, modifications, or labeling changes.
  • Communication: Effective communication with healthcare professionals, patients, and regulatory authorities is essential for vigilance success.

A robust vigilance system is crucial for ensuring the safety and performance of medical devices throughout their lifecycle.